
We Even Take It One Step Further

Not only do we adhere to the strict standards that accompany our TAG certification, but we also plug directly into ClearTrust® and Protected Media fraud scoring platforms to ensure that even the smartest bots don’t get passed to our clients as traffic. Our fraud filters are always turned on – every campaign, every click, everyday!

We are delighted to recognize ProData for achieving the rigorous standards necessary for TAG certification.
By adopting TAG’s industry best practices, ProData has demonstrated its strong commitment to the safety of its partners and the digital advertising ecosystem. We look forward to continuing to work with ProData to raise the bar for other companies to build a safe, transparent, and accountable supply chain.

Mike Zaneis, CEO, TAG
More About Tag

Solving Billion Dollar Problems

Digital Advertisers Lose Billions Each Year to Criminal Activity in the Four Areas Where TAG Focuses

$8.2 billion can be saved each year if the digital advertising industry works together to eradicate corruption across the supply chain.

  • 4.6 BILLION AND 56%

    Invalid/Fraudulent traffic
  • 2.5 BILLION AND 31%

    internet piracy
  • 1.1 BILLION AND 13%


The ProData Mission

Our goal is to bring transparency and efficiency to the digital advertising world through automation and simplicity.

ProData possesses the skills, experience and ability to fully execute all of your digital marketing initiatives in today’s competitive and ever-changing market.